This week is one of mixed emotions, on Tuesday it was confirmed that my wife and kids after returning from Hong Kong would need to remain in Shanghai to do a 14-day quarantine so it will be a while before I can see them again. I was waiting to see whether they would need to do this before I planned what I do next. I want to leave Suqian to get away to somewhere nice, but am still unsure if it wise, and how far I should go. Between increasing cases of COVID and severe flooding in many parts of China, I am reluctant to commit to going anywhere as I don’t want to end up trapped somewhere unable to return. I only have four weeks due to the school year being extended, and so time is starting to run out to make a decision.
I have been reflecting on the meaning of what self-care and well-being mean for me, how it ties into boundaries, schedules, routines and my determination. I believe that well-being is a compromise because our lives are multifaceted and unable to be simply subdivided into different neat areas. For me, the PLDP is a chance to reset, reprioritise, and refocus those aspects of my life that matter.
Well-being focuses on who we are as a person what comprises all elements of our lives, and decisions we make now will change the balance later. I chose not to go into admin until my children were older. I decided to stay in Hong Kong and at the same school until my son graduated. I have decided to remain in a school that I am not that happy with until my daughter graduates. To certain things need special priority, and family is one of those. We need integrity to ourselves and our loved ones
When I think about the areas of my life to consider when thinking about well-being, a number come to mind, these include:
To not be overcome by trying to focus on so many areas. I have chosen to focus on the following PLDP:
My Focus for the Personal Leadership Development Plan
Paul Wilson - Summer 2020
To reset and strengthen areas that I have ignored since arriving in China
Since beginning this journey, I have already managed to make a start on each of these areas. My wife and daughter, I will support me to achieve better and better results in the weeks that follow, and beyond.